Kebab Haven Maryborough

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies Kebab Haven Maryborough. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment and food. You can find Kebab Haven Maryborough at 142 Lennox Street, Maryborough, Queensland 4650.


Postal address:
142 Lennox Street, Maryborough, Queensland 4650
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Phone number:
+61 7 4121 0110

Establishment   Food  

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Reviews about Kebab Haven Maryborough

  • Hugh McBroom
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Big Complaint against the Manager whom said her name was Ashley. Unprofessional, rude and a bully. My wife and I ordered a Kebab and a Gozleme. Ashley hurried through making 3 kebabs like she was on a processing line with a hundred to go(there were only 3), I witnessed her hurry though the procedure and presumed that none were mine as they were not matching my order. I then saw that my wife's gozleme was on the cooker next to the 3 kebabs. In this configuration we found later that the top half of the gozleme stays raw. After being handed one of the three Kebabs that the manager rushed through making, I examined the kebab more closely to confirm that it was not a mixed Kebab and had no chilly sauce. I returned the kebab to the manager whom then first accused the junior of writing the order down wrong, who didn't. Then said it was my taste buds that needed more chilly then squirted an over abundant amount of chilly sauce into the top section of the kebab, saying that it is definitely a mixed kebab as per the order. I was handed back the kebab and sent away as a finished order.
    The Kebab was not a mixed kebab and was ruined by being over inundated with chilly sauce on the top and none in the bottom half. The gozleme was raw on one side.
    As we were traveling through town we got the food to go and it was not easy to return again when we realised how bad the food was. So on our way through to home the next day(today) we confronted the manager whose attitude was reprehensible. I did not ask for a refund as I could not return the food(As the manager stated very clearly), but just to make the complaint. I was not happy with the managers response, so asked for the owners contact details to make the complaint. These details were withheld.
    I am an upstanding member of the community, with 10 years service as a police officer, and 20 years as owner/manager in retail business.
    I would normally not complain, just walk away and not buy any more from this company, but this manager's lies and bullying has made me go the extra step. I am hoping the owner gets this message and can contact me.
    The manager said that there is CCTV footage to check. I would request that this footage be made available for review. (CCTV Time would be between 3-4pm on Friday 3rd June 2016.)
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